
Wallaby Airlines | 35 Squadron | RAAF Transport Flight Vietnam

Welcome to RTFV 35SQN!
Please enter a unique username so we can identify you. Required once only. You will not need to login to use the website.

Fill in the address below – This should be a mailing address.

This is only to be used if you cannot be contacted on the above details for membership notifications and in case of emergency use only during the attending of events.
Membership Fee
($20.00 Includes Postage & Handling)
Enter the amount you would like to donate...
Choose a method of payment: On Submission of this form. You will be redirected to PayPal Payment Page. OPTIONS: 1. You have a Paypal Account: follow the prompts. 2. If you want to pay by Direct Deposit/Cheque - CLOSE the PayPal window. 3. If you want to pay by Credit Card - UNDER the login Button CLICK to pay by Card

Acc Name: RTFV-35Sqn Association
BSB: 064171
ACC No: 10463085

Address To Send Cheque:
RTFV-35Sqn Association
18 Coles Street
Arana Hills QLD 4054

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