Tag: Vietnam War

Wallaby Airlines | 35 Squadron | RAAF Transport Flight Vietnam

9 Sqn chopper

A Brief History of 9 SQN Vietnam

Hello John,             Thank you for sending that report to me.  It makes for interesting reading.  It also records, (rightfully so) that the last 12 to 18 months were probably the most difficult for the squadron and its maintenance.  It was in early October 1971 that the squadron moved out of the “Kanga Pad” and…
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March 1, 2018 0

John Cameron’s Photo Collection

Click here to access the gallery

August 16, 2017 0

Vietnam in Black & White

Vietnam Memories – in Black and White…

August 8, 2017 0


The only thing unusual about this Wallaby 006 mission on the 30th August 1967 was that an Australian army colonel, Colonel White, had made a request to be a passenger for the day. Apparently he had a day off from duties at Nui Dat and decided to, as he joked. “See what you RAAF blokes…
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July 6, 2017 0

Virtual Tour of US Airforce Museum

Click on the link below to view: Virtual Tour of US Airforce Museum (May need to update Flash Player to view)

June 23, 2017 0

Type II Diabetes & Vietnam Veterans

From Grunt66 – I don’t know how many of you were in Nam but if you were and your hubby, lover etc was there and has Type II Diabetes, read these, or pass them on to someone you may know. US Veteran’s Type II Diabetes Information Diabetic Neuropathy Some links removed as they no longer…
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June 23, 2017 0

Salts, Blue Orchards and Us

There has always been rivalry between all three military services but as for me, I now wave a flag of truce as I reflect on days gone by in peace and war. There are so many memories, the reliable and beloved Huey helicopter, the seemingly vulnerable Spartan patrol boats and then of course those magnificent…
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June 18, 2017 0

The Origins of The Callsign “Wallaby” R.A.A.F. Transport Flight Vietnam (RTFV) 1964

As the RAAF is planning to demob Caribous it is an appropriate time that the origins of “Wallaby” are explained. The like most tales of origins the name “Wallaby” Airlines was a combination of different events. To the best of my recollections this is how the nameless form; a name which later  became famous in…
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June 17, 2017 0