35Sqn 75 Anniversary Details

Wallaby Airlines | 35 Squadron | RAAF Transport Flight Vietnam

35Sqn 75 Anniversary Details

July 31, 2017 Uncategorized 0


Sambo see below some more info to be sent out to the mighty 35 Sqn Association members and placed onto the web site.


Thanks mateee





Sent from my SAMSUNG Galaxy A3 on the Telstra Mobile Network

——– Original message ——–
From: RIC 35SQN 75th Birthday <ric35sqn75th.birthday@defence.gov.au>
Date: 31/07/2017 8:01 AM (GMT+10:00)
To: ‘Stephen Bailey’ <stephen.bailey3@hotmail.com>
Subject: Anniversary Ball – additional information [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


G’day Beetle,


Below is some additional information to pass onto the Association regarding the upcoming Anniversary Ball.


  • Overall, the format for the evening will run similarly to any other Military dinner get together.

o   Gather / pre-drinks & mingle

o   Welcome speech

o   Colour marched in

o   Entrée, Main canapé service (stand up event however, some tables will be scattered for those who wish to claim one for the evening)

o   Speeches (x3 – Association Rep / CO and CAF) no longer than 7-10mins each MAXIMUM

o   Cake cutting, photo opportunity

o   Chief of Air Force is confirmed to attend

o   Army Band are confirmed to entertain in the format of jazz / easy listening type music during the welcome and dinner period. After which they’re cracking into a Rock n’ Roll band to get the party started with dancing post speeches

o   A photographer will be present throughout the evening

o   SQN memorabilia will be displayed throughout the function room including a rolling display of past and present photography


  • An advertisement went out on Facebook approximately 2 weeks ago inviting any member who’s ever been associated with Wallaby Airlines to attend. THIS IS NOT A CLOSED SQN ONLY EVENT! We (the SQN) are hoping to see as many past and present members attend as possible – the more the merrier as far as we’re concerned!


  • There are no other events i.e. Parade or Family Day being held in conjunction with the Anniversary Ball.


  • Payment is required no later than Friday 25th of August.





BSB: 803 205


REFERENCE: Full Name – number of guests


Enquiries and notification of attendance can be emailed to ric35sqn75th.birthday@defence.gov.au


I hope this helps get the Association members excited mate.


I won’t be here Thursday but Bailey will so she can help you out with the changeover of signatories with Defence Bank.


Kind regards,



Renae Halley


Corporal, Reservist

35 Squadron Operations, C-27J

Mission Support OPS CLK


35SQN HQ | Building 616, Level 1

RAAF Base Richmond, NSW 2755

T: +2 458 81666

M: +61 411 22 5861

E: renae.halley2@defence.gov.au


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