Caribou Reunion at Ipswich

Date(s) - 06/08/2020 - 09/08/2020
All Day
Oakey Aviation Base
We are holding a Caribou Reunion at Ipswich from the 6 to 9 August 2020. Anyone who has had a connection with the Caribou is welcome to attend.
The venue we have booked can hold up to 250 people for a formal dinner. A comfortable number would be 220 people. We may have to limit numbers.
The agenda will be a visit to Oakey Aviation Base on 6 August, lunch in the mess, return to Ipswich 2–3 p.m. (free time).
7 August 2020 visit to 35 Squadron at Amberley, lunch with 35 Squadron, possible tour of the Amberley Heritage Centre Museum, 3-4 p.m. return to Ipswich (free time).
8 August 2020 visit behind the scenes at the Railway Workshop, no organized lunch.
8 August 2020 is booked in for our formal dinner at the North Ipswich Reserve Corporate Centre insert link
Don Pollock will be our keynote speaker. We need an MC if anyone wants to put up their hand?
Sunday 9 August 2020 sick parade/farewell drinks etc. at venue to be named.
The Quest and Oaks Motel Group
I am in negotiations with them. As soon as these details come to hand, I will forward them on.
I will be contacting DVA and Government sources to see what grants or funds we can obtain.
We will hire buses to transport us to and from the venues.
I am also negotiating with the Ipswich Corporate Office as well as the Ipswich Tourist Bureau.
There are a lot more details to be worked out. I will be sending out a questionnaire to ascertain if you will be attending all venues or just the dinner.
Hopefully with financial assistance through the grants, costs will be nominal.
$1 life membership is available at Club Services Ipswich (CSI) which is the old RSL, giving member’s discount for food and drinks.
The Jets Leagues Club is just across the road from the CSI (RSL).
I will be talking to more businesses in Ipswich to see if they wish to be involved.
We are planning to make this an annual event. It will be a special event next year as the RAAF celebrates 100 years’ service to Australia.